Friday, September 9, 2016

new blog URL issues || followers please read

okay, people. So I've been having some confusing on my new blog URL as you may know.

I set it up so you could see my last few posts in your feed but after this post YOU WILL NO LONGER be able to see my posts in your feed so if you wish to continue to see my posts, please use these directions below.

I won't go in depth, but basically what it's like this: you are still following my old blog link (, now, you have to refresh your blogger system and follow my new URL (

Here's how to do it:

Pretty simple, right? If you're confused comment so I can help ya out.

I've deleted my last two things about this because I noticed people have been confused. So if you still want to receive my posts just follow the directions above EVEN IF you have been receiving my latest posts.

Hannah, Emily F, Mikayla H, and Lydia D -- you gals have already figured this out so don't worry about this post. thanks guys!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

goodbye summer || dear autumn (FOLLOWERS PLEASE READ)

^^ reading one another's writing 'cause thats what you do at a park

dearest summer,
boy, am i gonna miss you
with your green leaves
blue skies
and swimming filled days
with your seemingly never ending sunlight
bare feet and library days
tubing down rivers
and climbing sand dunes
i started my first novel at your beginning
as well as got my first dslr
days of camping
and the smell of fresh cut grass
picking mini shells from rivers
taking walks whenever i please
without a bother of shoes
dear summer, i'll miss you
come again soon


dear autumn,
with your golden leaves
apple cider
and fuzzy socks
ice cold fingers as i write
wrapping my hands around cocoa
with your oversized sweaters
and extra blankets
and my birthday
the sharp smell of cold
cute combat boots
days of writing
along with nanowrimo
cozy days
and weather of 50 below
hello dear, autumn

do you prefer summer, or autumn?
what will you miss about summer most?

p.s. if you saw my last post you may know I've been having some issues with my new URL and people getting updated in their feeds. I've set it up so you can see this post but after this you might not get updated--so if you're reading this and do follow me already, PLEASE REFOLLOW ME (via google friend connect on the sidebar) so sorry about this--thanks, guys! <3